Hell yeah, i think i still have one of those floating around somewhere....she was so cool.
Hell yeah, i think i still have one of those floating around somewhere....she was so cool.
you're pathetic
I have nothing more to say.
fuck you i have nothing more to say
It's kind of pointless to do a trailer on a music video considering the final product will only be slightly longer than the trailer. My point is just finish the whole thing, then submit. Other than that, the graphics were good, but needs better syncing and action. Good start.
I was very impressed by that little sequence of animation you got there. The pillow, cute, the shooting guy, eh, the looked like a rotoscope. The animation was very smooth and i look forward to future installments of your current series, merry melony. Gee, i sound old. Anyway, KEEP IT UP!
This must be the spot where you put down some philosophical thoughts that describe you personality as a whole....I've got nothin'.
Age 43, Female
Six Flags
Joined on 10/7/04